När man vågar
Nya tider
Det börjar vända
Inte mycket till ridning
En tokig häst
Det går ju bra så länge hästen går framför en. MEN om den gör en 360 graders sväng och drar järnet i galopp i motsatt riktning och man står där med slaka tömmar, tills de sträcks efter att hästen fått upp farten i sisådär 5-6 meter...då går det inget bra. Det är ju bara att köra ner hälarna i marken och hålla emot litegrann, tänkte jag. Eh. Nä. Jag for som en vante ner på backen och var illa tvungen att släppa tömmarna. Så ser man hästj*veln galoppera iväg i 380 km/h bockandes med tömmarna hängande och slängande efter sig. Det enda som for genom mitt huvud var; snälla spring inte när nån kan se dig! (Han har varit lös x antal ggr förut, jävligt pinsamt om det skulle ske återigen) Fick springa som en idiot i 25 cm bucklig snö, blev helt genomsvettig. När vägen tog slut, var det lååånga bromsspår av hästhovar. MEN idioten hade typ hoppat över ett tre meter brett dike och stog borta hos åringarnas lösdrift och glodde. Phu. Ingen såg.
Amstrongs stamtavla
Älskar att gräva i hästars stamtavlor. Extra kul är det när man hittar info väääldigt långt tillbaka..
Pappa Oramé (Indoctro x Ramiro Z)
"Color: brown
Height: 170 cm
Approved KWPN and AHHA
Orame was Champion of the stallion selections in Den Bosch and also Champion of his stallion testing. His sire and both grand sires jumped internationally. His dam the \\elite\\ mare Iramee has the same bloodlines as the famous mare Ratina Z, as well as other famous relatives from that lineage such as: Robin Z, Rinetou Z, Jalisco, Galoubet and Renate la Silla. Orame received high marks for his movement and jumping sub-divisions. In his report Orame was said to be very talented as a dressage horse as well as a show jumper and that he jumped with scope, good technique, a lot of power, and is very careful. He was the first stallion to become champion of the selections as well as the stallion test. In the stallion competition he placed very high several times and ended as the Vice Champion. Orame is currently showing in the USA with Chris Kappler and were the winners of the HITS $100,000.00 Grand Prix of Culpeper, VA Offspring have a lot of scope and are nice movers."
Haha. Man ser vart Armstrong har fått sin maskulinitet ifrån...
Farfar Indoctro (Capitol I x Caletto II)
"Here is yet another successful cross of the two Holstein C lines – combining the power of Capitol I and the carefulness of Cor de la Bryère. Indoctro however is more than just an impressive pedigree, he was an international jumping star with Ulrich Kirchhoff before settling down to a stellar breeding career at the famed VDL stud of Weipke van der Lageweg.
To date, Indoctro has produced more than ten licensed sons, including international performers, No Limit, Nassau, Montreal and Maserati, as well as Oramé, Sheraton, Nothing to Lose and Nirvana.
Star competition horses include Meatloaf (Jeroen Dubbeldam), Hertel Nero (Sander Ubachs), Nobel (Maikel van der Vleuten), VDL Ocinthe (Gianni Giovani), Casadora (Lauren Hough), Youp (Lesley Howard), VDL Orestus (Peter Erikson) and Minka’s Diamond (Emile Tacken). His son, Run DMC won the 2003 World Young Jumping Horse 7 Year old championship before being sold at the PSI auction. In the United States, Indoctro is number 1 on the USET list of showjumping stallions, and in Germany he ranks second on the index.
Indoctro has the added influence of one Cottage Son’s most influential sons, Consul, and the refining influence of the Thoroughbred, Sherry Netherland. Sherry Netherland’s sire Montaval carries the blood of Bay Ronald through Teddy, as well as the influence of Nearco, and on his dam line, the enormously influential Phalaris. Indoctro’s dam sire, Caletto II is the sire of Olympic gold medallist, Classic Touch. Indoctro has two full brothers, National Guard (Fahad Al Geaid) and the French based licensed stallion, C-Indoctro II. "
Mamma Arina (Legaat x Porter)
Hittar inte så mkt info om henne, hon var iallafall 23 år (!) när Armstrong föddes. Kanske var han hennes sista föl?
Morfar Legaat (Marco Polo x Sinaeda)
Legaat was the absolute champion of his testing, having received an 8.5 in free jumping, a 9.5 for jumping under saddle, and an 8 for temperament. Legaat is a keur stallion, with 6 approved sons, and is high on the index of stallions. Född 1970.
Morfars Far Marco Polo (Poet x Altan)
Marco Polo was one of the foundation sires of the modern Dutch Warmblood sporthorse. Bred by R. Rosenau, Germany. Exported to Holland in 1964. Of Trakehner origin, he was introduced to the Dutch breeding program in 1965. He became one of the greatest sires of the Netherlands, famous for his hereditary jumping talent and obliging character. He sired many international showjumpers and also a number of approved sons and producing daughters. Pappa till Milton.